Wake One You Wake Them All...

"It is said that the Bohrok sleep an eternal sleep, waiting to hatch. Once awakened, the swarms are unstoppable... a force so powerful, they can reduce mountains to rubble and turn life-giving rivers dry as the desert sands!"

— Turaga Vakama, The Bohrok Awake

Welcome to the bohrok hive!

Home to the great unyeilding bohrok swarm and its queens.

But what are bohrok?

Bohrok (BOE-rahk) are insectoid robots that live in hives deep undergound which normally function under the control of a krana (KRAH-nah), a brain of sorts that receives telepathic commands from the queens. Their job once awakened is to clean clean clean! and that means everything, no tree house or mountain will remain in their path (or anything alive for that matter).

There are 6 types of bohrok:

Each of these bohrok have control over their respective elements. Bohrok also are capable of various attacks not specific to their type for example, Bohrok are able to extend their neck out in a lunge, they may use this attack to knock the mask off of those in their way. That then leaves their opponent open for the bohroks next ability: being able to launch it's krana out of its head and onto the opponent's face! This krana then controls the wearer to the will of the queens. The krana come in many forms, forty-eight varieties of krana in total, 8 types for each type of bohrok. krana types and abilities are listed below:

Krana Xa: Swarm Commander - Strategy
- Grants its Bohrok the ability to form complex plans.These krana lead the Bohrok swarm on their mission.
Krana Za: Squad Leader - Telepathy and Limited Mind Reading
- Can communicate telepathically with, and read the minds of, other krana and beings.
Krana Vu: Surveyor - Limited Flight
Grants its Bohrok the ability to fly short distances.These krana fly ahead of the swarm to confirm that the path is clear.
Krana Ca: Clearance Worker - Strong Defense Shielding
Can shield itself and others from attacks. These krana spearhead the swarm's mission.
Krana Yo: Mole - Tunneling
Grants its Bohrok the ability to tunnel through almost any substance on Mata Nui.
Krana Ja: Scout - Radar
Can use radar sense to detect distant obstacles in the swarm's path.
Krana Su: Worker - Strength
Possess colossal energy, granting its Bohrok enhanced strength.These krana inhabit only the strongest of Bohrok.
Krana Bo: Sentinel - Infrared Vision
Can see in the dark.These krana serve as night-time guards, as well as guides into dark caves.

However if a bohrok looses this krana, it will be left deactivated and unable to do anything. There is however a solution, bringing us to our next section:

Freinds of the Bohrok

The bohrok are not alone in their battle to cleanse mata nui, there are several other creatures in the legendary swarm.

The Bohrok Va

The bohrok va are small scouts and messengers for the Bohrok. Unlike a bohrok, they lack krana and are completly robotic. bohrok va are commonly seen bringing krana to deactivated bohrok, allowing them to continue cleaning mata nui's surface.

There are 6 breeds of bohrok va, each corresponding to a bohrok of the same color and element, however they cannot control any elemental powers.

The Bahrag Queens

The bahrag queens: Cahdok and Gahdok, Are large dragon-like creatures which serve to guide the bohrok telepathicaly aswell as create the krana which control them.

The queens have the abilities of all 6 bohrok types aswell as the ability to project illusions, which they use to protect their nest from intruders.

The Bahrag are symbiotic, drawing power from each other. The closer they get to each other, the more concentrated their powers become. When right next to eachother, the queens are so strong they are able to form a protective barier around themselves.

The two Bahrag can be distinguished by their antennae Cahdok's being long and thin while Gahdok's are short and clubbed aswell as their color Cahdok being blue while Gahdok is red.

Hope you enjoyed learning about the Bohrok!

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